Two unlimited online training options, with two low prices.
Our online training course is designed to be simple and effective. Both plans give you complete access to our course, including links to provide to any additional new hires.
The employee course will take about 1 hour, and the supervisor course, 2 hours. After these courses are completed, your employee will be prompted to download a certificate. This certificate allows you to be in compliance with SB1343!
Unlimited access to online training for all current employees and any future new hires! Great for smaller businesses with consistent workforce.
*$10 per additional training's after the 3 month period.
Unlimited access to online training for all current employees and any future new hires! Best for large companies that hire frequently.
*Renew access at end of 12 month period for $300.
Give us a call or email us!
(951) 816-6434